The Benefits Of Laser Cutting

laser cuttingLaser cutting is not a futuristic way to fight an immortal enemy, but instead a process that employs the use of strong laser impulses to cut through highly durable materials.

The technology typically encompasses industrial applications, but other applications have emerged over the past few years, as the technology has become more user friendly.

You can find the technology used by school districts to erect new structures, as well as small businesses that expand infrastructure.

Through computer manipulation, a very strong laser impulse burns, melts, or vaporizes materials, which leaves a clean cut surface.

Construction workers utilize the technology to split sheet metal, as well as cut through pipes.

Despite the growing popularity of the technology, many industrial plants have yet to deploy laser cutting as a viable manufacturing process.

Plant managers mistakenly refer to complexity, cost, and imprecision as reasons to eschew laser-cutting technology.

However, once manufacturers understand the benefit of the technology, they should become quick converts of a process that reduces complexity, cuts costs, and enhances precision.

Reduced Costs

Cutting through the most rugged materials by using a laser eliminates the need for other types of machines in a manufacturing plant.

The lack of machinery allows companies to spend less on plant investments, which gives the companies more capital to work with for additional industrial contracts.

Laser Cutting also reduces the number of workers required to complete an intricate industrial project


The use of lasers to cut through industrial materials provides users with more precision than mechanical and plasma cutting.

Laser strength rarely wavers, which means operators of the technology can expert consistently accurate cuts over lengthy manufacturing periods.

Users also benefit from because the technology does not warp the industrial material during the cutting process.

Cutting through materials by using high-powered laser beams also allows operators to bore small holes precisely.


Initially, laser beams used to cut through industrial materials did not possess the power to slice through thick objects, such as steel plates.

Contemporary laser cutting technology has diminished power concerns, since newer laser cutters operate at 6,000 watts, as compared to earlier cutters that only supplied 1,500 watts of power.

Expect future laser cutter innovations to include even more power. More laser power has not affected the quality of the laser cuts.

laser cutting diagramTime

Laser cutting may evoke a complex, futuristic technology, but the process dramatically shortens the time it takes to bore, cut, and engrave.

The technology is perfect for companies that specialize in meeting time sensitive project needs of construction companies that have fallen behind on commercial or public infrastructure projects.

For example a manufacturer who receives a request for a rush order on dozens of plumbing pipes can use a portable laser cutter to form pieces of the pipes required to complete the plumbing project.

Even some hobbyists who have experience working with laser technology create projects at home that appear as professional as the projects produce by large-scale manufacturing plants.

The primary difference between a hobbyist and manufacturing plant is the type of machine used to deliver the laser beams.

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